Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Don't Forget Your Tax Break!

We're hearing a lot today about the up to $8000.00 tax break for first time home buyers, if their deals are written and accepted by April 30, 2010 and close by June 30, 2010. It's a terrific deal for first time home buyers, but there's also another part of the story I don't want you to forget and that's the existing home buyer!
Have your deals written and accepted by April 30 and close by June 30 and even if you're a current homeowner, you'll get a nice tax break of up to $6500.00.

Yes, these are incentives to help spur the sagging housing industry. I think a lot of us found out, Realtors included, how much this nation's economy was dependant on new and existing home sales. It turns out that new and used home sales were actually driving the economy for the past decade and when people stopped buying homes, well, in came the worst recession we've had since the Great Depression ended in the early 1940's. Personally, I don't think these government deals will be extended. They were extended once, but like "Cash for Clunkers" which was extended once, then ended, I'm expecting the same thing to happen with these housing incentives!!

So with these government incentives and with mortgage interest rates still close to historic lows, what's stopping you from stepping up to the plate and buying your first home OR, putting your current home on the market while looking for a new place in which to dwell?